Tuesday, September 22, 2009

No one is always right!

As the saying goes.. NOBODY IS PERFECT.. Thus.. NOBODY is always right!

Teacher can teach us wrong stuffs.. And students are the one correcting them by the end of the day..

Star player may perform way below par in any match.. And the underdogs are the one making greater impact.!

Older ones.. YES! they may have more experience than us.. But they do make wrong decisions and lead the younger ones to the wrong path..

So.. Who is a mother or a father to say that "Whatever you do is always wrong!"
They will come out with 1001 reasons to tell us that we are doing something wrong.. But we cant even use a reason to tell them we are doing it right! Because to them.. Whatever we say.. is definitely.. "EXCUSES"!
They will tell you.. "You are so selfish! Always think for yourself!".. Come on MUM & DAD.. You do not think for us.. And if we do not think for ourselves too.. Then.. We are worse than the COW DUNK in the paddy field!

We are in a democratic country.. 21st century.. there is no such thing as always right.. always obeying the older ones.. NO fighting for own right.. BLAH BLAH BLAH! Think wisely.. you want an easy life.. so do we.!

Why cant we just compromise each other.. Each of us just have to back off one little step.. And we will have less INDOOR fireworks..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally! agree!